
The Iberian pig



Quality from start to finish

For Consorcio de Jabugo, the quartering of the Iberian Pig, fed on acorns from the meadows following 18 months of free-range living, is a top class artisan product, given that it results from processes where traditional wisdom and experience are crucial. Hence, the human factor is irreplaceable in the traditional preparation of their products. We mustn't forget that in most cases, these processes have been passed down from father to son for generations and that together with the aid of more advanced technologies, we have been able to achieve and perfect a production method that has further raised the quality standards of the end product.

Iberian Pork Cheek

Iberian Pork Cheek
Iberian Pork Cheek

A cut of meat that is integrated into the massater muscles found in the jaw, which are largely responsible for moving the jaw. The large amount of connective tissue in its structure makes it ideal for stews (where connective fibres will become gelatinous.)

Iberian Pork Shoulder Loin

Iberian Pork Shoulder Loin
Iberian Pork Shoulder Loin

This muscle is located on the inner side of the shoulder and it attaches the shoulder to the trunk, hence its intense colour, which is down to all of the exercise the pig does, and its streaky aspect, which gives it great flavour and juiciness, making it perfect both for stews as well as for eating straight off the grill.

Iberian Pork Top Loin

Iberian Pork Top Loin
Iberian Pork Top Loin

This cut of meat connects the tenderloin to the shoulder. As this muscle is not exercised as much, it is a very tender cut. It is perfect for stew as well as eaten directly off the grill.

Iberian Pork Fore Loin

Iberian Pork Fore Loin
Iberian Pork Fore Loin

The secret is that it's a cut from the ribs, past the shoulder blade. Immersed in bacon fat, this is a vestigial skin muscle that doesn't really have any anatomic function, hence its weak colouring. It is generally cooked on the grill.

Iberian Pork Loin

Iberian Pork Loin
Iberian Pork Loin

Muscle cut that runs along the animal's spine. It is located on the top of the ribs. It is covered in a thin layer of fat. It can be used in stews as well as grilled.

Back Loin Meat

Back Loin Meat
Back Loin Meat

A cut that runs along the animal's back, down the spine. It is normally grilled and barbecued.

Iberian Pork Loin Needle

Iberian Pork Loin Needle
Iberian Pork Loin Needle

Together with the shoulder, it forms part of the fore-loin. The muscle group has similar characteristics to the shoulder as far as fat infiltration, although with a much higher percentage. A gastronomic delight, it is perfect for carpaccios and stews, as well as eaten straight from the grill.

Iberian Chops

Iberian Chops
Iberian Chops

Cut from the tenderloin next to the spine bone, covered in fat and with a part of the rib arc. This product is becoming popular amongst the most demanding diners since it is a very tasty cut because it retains the fat, making it more succulent. It is normally grilled or barbecued.

Iberian Ribs

Iberian Ribs
Iberian Ribs

It is mainly used for stews and barbecues, sometimes breaded and other times marinated. It can also be salted and kept for stews at a later date. In addition, it is one of the main ingredients in chickpea stew.

Iberian Rib Strips

Iberian Rib Strips
Iberian Rib Strips

It comes from the upper part of the pig, or the top of the ribs. They are made up of the intercostal muscles or strips of meat, and the costal arches at the top. It is a very tasty meat. It can be cooked in stews as well as grilled.

Iberian back bone and tail

Iberian back bone and tail
Iberian back bone and tail

It is used salted or fresh, added to soups and stews, giving an intense meaty taste with the characteristic and differential nuances of Iberian pork.

Iberian Pork Tenderloin

Iberian Pork Tenderloin
Iberian Pork Tenderloin

Muscle found inside the abdominal cavity, underneath the spine. It is characterised by its total lack of streaking. From tender meat and intrinsic personality, it is ideal to grill, either whole, butterflied or in medallions.

Iberian Belly

Iberian Belly
Iberian Belly

It is found in the belly region. It consists of fat with streaks of lean meat. It can be eaten in different ways: fresh, salted, cured, in paprika, etc. It is also added to several types of stews. It is used to make bacon as well as being an ingredient in charcuterie products.

Iberian Back Fat

Iberian Back Fat
Iberian Back Fat

It is used in charcuterie and for producing pig fat

Iberian Jowl

Iberian Jowl
Iberian Jowl

It is the layer of fat that hangs under the pig's face. Just like bacon, it is made from the skin, layers of fat and layers of meat intertwined. It can be grilled and is also used in stews.

Find out more about us
Consorcio de Jabugo
Marques de Aracena, nº 4, 21360, Jabugo, Huelva, Spain
Headquarters and offices
Calle Luis Montoto, nº 107, 4ª Planta, Modulo I, 41007 Sevilla, Spain
T.:(+34) 955 024 694 · F.:(+34) 955 024 695 · M.:atencionalcliente@consorciodejabugo.com